Static interior visualisation

These are single shots of a given interior. Lighting, focal length and camera position are selected in such a way as to highlight the most attractive shots or present the most important elements of the project to the client. A quick and easy way to present your vision to a potential buyer.
Spherical interior visualisation

These are 360 degree panoramic renders. They can be presented in mobile applications or on websites such as facebook. The viewer can rotate the view in any direction. The recommended resolution for such a shot is a minimum of 4K x 2K, so rendering takes longer, but it is the best way to present the vision of the entire room in one place.
We offer various types of animations. Camera rotation around the object (turntable), flight through a series of rooms (fly-through), changes in lighting, animations of product features, etc. The price depends on the number of frames and the complexity of the scene.
Interactive presentations

Using 3D graphics, we can create interactive presentations in which the user can change finishing materials, select a model and rotate the product at a selected angle with one click. An example of such a configurator is presented here:
Studio packshots

This is the simplest version to present e.g. furniture or any appliance. It can also be used to present packaging and many other products. The object is set on a studio backdrop. It can be in any color and have a matt or smooth surface (if an additional reflection in the substrate of a backdrop is desired). We can also provide a render of the product with an alpha channel (does not require free-form selecting in Photoshop or any other 2D program) or with a cast shadow on a separate layer.
Arranged background packshots

Sometimes the best way to speak to the imagination of customers is to present the product in the scenery in which it could be found. For this purpose, the model is placed on a stage containing other elements of the environment such as walls, furniture, finishing materials, natural view outside the window, various small objects. Preparing an arranged scenery takes longer than a studio backdrop scene, but thanks to this, you can show the various functions and uses of the product, and the presentation looks more natural and convincing.
3D modelling

We also create individual 3D models for our customers, that can be used for further applications, e.g. visualizations made in their own studio or 3D printing. These are mainly models of specific equipment, collectible furniture, individual interior design elements, etc.